Website content creation is one of the hardest things, which most people think is easy.

In January 1996, bill gates published an essay about content on Microsoft’s website entitled “content is king”.
As per bill gates, “Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting.

Your website content works as a backbone for your online presence, along with the business concept and website framework. 

Content creation

Content creation is the most time-consuming responsibility of today’s online marketers and businessmen. Marketing is all about attracting people to your business and content is the most powerful tool for doing so.

A study proved that after reading a brand’s content, customers were 131% more likely to avail of your services.

Having talked about the importance of website content, the right approach is just as important.

Here are some of the best ways that will enable you to understand and create great website content. Before that, let’s discuss the importance of website content.

What is website content?

Your Website is your online first impression, and content is responsible for making it an impressive one. That is why it is considered a “king” and should be a foremost priority. But website content creation can be crucial for some people.

According to research, if your content is not attractive and engaging, you will most likely lose 38% of your website traffic to your competitors. There are various types of content that you can create for your websites like pages and posts, visual graphics, etc.

Elements of website content

Website content consists of:

  • Quality Text
  • Supporting images
  • Animations
  • Audios 
  • Video clips
  • Infographics
  • Visual design
  • Navigation and architecture

A well-written, organized, SEO-optimized and engaging content plays a vital role in traffic generation as well as in getting organic leads and then converting those leads into your clients/customers. 

Google considers over 200 factors before ranking a website, and content is one of the most important factors so the better the content, the higher the SERPs.

Following is the list of must-have content pieces you need for your website content.

  • Web pages
  • Lead generating tools
  • Follow up emails

Let’s take a look at the essential elements of website content thoroughly.

Web pages

Each website is slightly different from others in terms of pages, but the following are some of the important pages for your website that will make the best content and help you rank better in SERPs.

Services page

A services page includes the product/services you offer to sell. This includes all the necessary information about your specialized products/ services that your potential customer will need as well as the speciality that makes you distinctive from others. 

You need to start it by placing what you offer, your deals, packages, and other necessary details. 

Here is an example of a good service page.

Website Content Creation- Best Ways to Create it

Landing pages

The primary purpose of a landing page is to convert traffic into leads. There can be different landing pages as per your website and business, but each landing page has its own significance. 

You can have multiple landing pages for different call-to-actions instead of having various Call-to-actions on one landing page.

The following pages can also be considered landing pages for your website.

  • About page
  • Meet the team
  • Contact us page
  • Associates page
  • Affiliates 
  • Membership 
  • Sales landing page

The above-mentioned are just a few examples of landing pages you can use, but landing pages are totally based on your services and business as per your requirements.

Testimonial page

A testimonial page includes honest reviews from customers/clients. This page shows the credibility of your business in front of new customers and helps gain customer trust and establish brand value and authority in your respective industry.

One honest testimonial can help you gain 10 new clients. So, a separate page for your testimonials will provide much worth to your website. 

Legal pages

Legal pages are must-have pages and cannot be avoided at any cost. 

It includes terms on which your business is based. Moreover, If you require customers’ personal information and data, you need to ensure that their credentials are in safe hands. 

You need to protect your website from any kind of legal issues such as plagiarism, copyright infringement, unfounded accusations or breach of law, etc. 

Few frequently used legal pages are:

  • Privacy policy page
  • Terms and conditions
  • Cookie policy
  • Copyright page
  • Disclaimer page
  • Comment policy page
  • Children’s privacy protection page

It is up to your preference to keep them on a single page or create different pages for them. However, legal pages will ensure safety and lead to customer satisfaction.

Thank you page

Thank you page is extremely important in your website content as your marketing efforts are based on it. It appears whenever a visitor makes a purchase, avails any offer, signup for an email subscription, or submits the contact form.

It is essential that whenever a client takes action, he must be redirected to a relevant page where he can find more information respective to his action rather than landing on the generic page. 

A good thank you page can help your business get unlimited conversion opportunities and increase revenue generation.

Lead Generators

Lead generation is a necessary chore where every business is struggling in online business. 61% of marketers rank lead generation as their foremost priority for the success of their online business. It is a process in which you generate consumer interest in your product/service.

It is a difficult task to bring someone to your website. Lead generation requires two steps:

  • Getting traffic to your website
  • Convincing them to share their email through signup emails or forms.

It is a process through which you attract your potential customers to take action for us in exchange for something valuable at no cost at all. Usually, we grow our email lists to convert our visitors into potential and loyal customers.   

An example of the lead generating system

lead generating system- example

Following are a few lead generators you can use to get organic leads:

  • Free Quiz
  • Downloadable PDF
  • Free audit
  • Free short course
  • Anything valuable for potential customers

One thing that worked for us and we recommend to you as well as to create one valuable resource enough for your prospects to give you a direct way to their inbox, their email ID.

Also, a lead generator pop-up helps in increasing your subscribers drastically.

An email list is an asset for your business, as it helps in the present times and will definitely pay off in the future. People who sign up for your newsletters are those who are genuinely interested In your product/service.

Marketing to them is more effective than getting in touch with people who may or may not be interested in your product/service at all. 

An email list can help you maintain your leads if you consider our recommendations. 

Follow up emails

Once your potential client has given consent and email, it is essential for you to keep in touch with them in order to keep your leads fresh.

Preferably, after the client signup for your newsletter, you can send 5-7 follow-up emails with proper call-to-actions (CTAs) on regular basis to reach your prospect.

You need to create a follow-up email campaign and newsletter to keep in touch regularly.

There are different ways to do so, such as sending:

  • News and updates
  • Special offers (Monthly as well as on occasions)
  • Newsletters weekly or monthly (in the form of blogs/articles)
  • Valuable Tips related to their interest (If you are a career coach, you can send them helpful tips to update their resume etc.)

It is important to be strictly persistent when it comes to follow-up emails. You can send them once a day, weekly, biweekly, or monthly but no matter what you choose, remember that consistency is a key to your success.

Blog Posts (optional)

A blog is a section of a website that gives you a chance to share your knowledge and expertise with the world.

Having a regularly updated blog would be like a cherry on the cake as it will help you with your newsletter as well as search engine rankings.

Nothing would be more valuable than having free, fresh, and updated content for your visitors every time they visit your website.

But you need to give your full fledge effort in this process. Blogging needs attention, preparation, and proper strategy for getting your expected outcome out of this method.

You know your business better than anyone so use blogging as an opportunity to build your own empire.

Different types of content pages

As we discussed above, each site has its own requirements regarding pages, but some pages are a must on every website.

The following pages are mandatory for website content:

  • Home page
  • About page
  • Contact page
  • Service page
  • Privacy policy page/ terms and conditions
  • Testimonials/ customer reviews page
  • Landing page
  • Blog page (optional)
  • Thank you page

If someone is a newbie in online business, it is recommended that he should work on the homepage of his website as it will place the first impression on website visitors.

According to research, it takes only 50 milliseconds for a visitor to form an opinion about the website. If the homepage is not impressive, the visitor will not bother to dig deep into the website.

Website content creation/management

Website content creation and management are undoubtedly exhausting tasks. It is possible to outsource the content easily, but you will likely get disappointed rather than have an outcome because you know your business better than anyone.

We understand that having your content managed with such a busy schedule would not be easy for you and time taking, but getting support and staying involved in every way possible is recommended.

Website content needs a strategy for good content.

Here are a few steps you should take before finalizing your content strategy:

  • Classify a unique proposal/plan
  • Find out your Inspirational identification.
  • Define your goal
  • Persuasive content to convert visitors into clients.
  • Collect content that shows credibility and authority (testimonials/reviews)
  • Your services/offers
  • Landing pages
  • Proper call-to-actions (CTAs)

When you are crystal clear about these website content creation steps, you can utilize them in your content in every possible way to make it worthy of attention. 

Strategy for your website content is as much important as the website itself. Your content needs to be created, managed, updated and promoted on a regular basis. If not, it will eventually lose its worth.

Updating website content

Google encourages fresh and updated content and considers it one of the important ranking factors. This shows that updating your website content is just as important as creating a new one. This helps in increasing not only search engine rankings but also helps you in providing your visitors with a better user experience. Ultimately it will help in boosting your website traffic. 

Following are some easy ways you can use to update your website content:

Update existing content

This is one of the easiest methods of updating your website content. Your content might need revisions from time to time to attain the top rankings on search engines. You need to do just a few steps to get it done.

  1. Revise and update all dates/years
  2. Update stats and facts in your content
  3. Find out and fix broken links.
  4. Update visuals (images, infographics)
  5. Remove outdated content
  6. Check and remove grammatical mistakes/spelling errors
  7. Revise keywords using the google search console and add where possible 
  8. Update backlinks (external, internal)

Assess your competitors

It is important to read your competitor’s approach toward their content to gather inspiration for your website content creation. Take a look at their strategy and try to incorporate whatever you think works best into your content strategy. 

This does not mean you plagiarize the content; you just need to get better ideas and understanding.

Keyword research

Keywords work like miracles in the content. You need to keep a close eye on keyword research. This means, that you need to concentrate on what people search while looking for a particular subject.

People’s search intent is always a high priority; therefore, keywords evolve and change rapidly. So you need to keep your game up in keyword research for outstanding results.

Ahref and Ubersuggest are the best tools for keyword research, in our opinion.

Speaking of which, when it comes to keyword research utilization, a single letter or a word can impact your website ranking greatly.

For example, here are two identical terms.

Online Teaching with Zoom

Teaching with Zoom

The above images show different ranking and search volume results of two similar keywords hence properly defining the importance of keywords in terms of SEO. 

Website content creation/development services

Website content creation, development, updating, and management might be a time-taking task but there are many ways you can explore to get it done easily. 

Generally, there are 3 common ways of doing it.

  • DIY (Do it yourself)

Nothing is better than creating website content by yourself. You know your business better and whether it is a homepage, article, blog, or anything. 

It is essential that you figure out whether you have the capacity and time to do it at all or not. It would be fantastic if you managed to develop it on your own end.

  • Get support

It is our favorite way of creating high-quality and persuasive content by getting support. Having a support system makes you open to new ideas.

Moreover, you brainstorm together, contemplate various perspectives, blend different ideas together and implement on one subject. Nothing would be more ideal than this strategy.

It helps you stay involved in the process despite having a busy schedule. With the help of a great team, you would be able to get consistent with creating new content and updating existing while working on your business. 

  • Outsourcing

Outsourcing is another option for people who do not have the capacity or time to manage and create content on their own. Many agencies are working in this regard. You can hire an agency or a freelancer to help in creating original, valuable, and high-quality content for your website.

Having said that, Typically, we believe that outsourcing is not a good option as nobody knows your business better than you do. So risking your website rankings in hands of any agency or freelancer can also backfire and hurt your rankings.


A website content strategy is key for boosting your website’s overall performance. I hope that the above-mentioned ideas will help you with your website content creation in the best possible way as per your plan and available resources. 

However, website content is the one that works best for you and your customers. 

Here’s to your business success online!


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